Our Structure & Responsibility

There are two tiers of union leadership within SIASU

The Branch Committee
The Executive Council

At the branch level, unionised employees of the branch elect branch delegates. The branch delegates will form their own committees to serve members at branch, or company, level.

The branch committees will :
Try to resolve grievances through negotiations with management.
Serve as links between workers and leaders at union headquarters

At Union's headquarter level, branch delegates are elected through a Convention of Delegates to serve in the Union Executive Council which is responsible for the effective operation of the union. The Executive Council elects among themselves General-Secretary, the President, the Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer and other principal officials. The Executive Council also appoints committees to deal with specific areas such as industrial relations, labour and education, social and welfare services, culture and sports, occupational health and safety, women's committee and administration and publicity.

The Constitution of SIASU describes in greater details the specific duties and roles of the principal officials and the delegates.

Industrial Relations

Industrial Relations is one of the core businesses of the union. The objectives of this department are to promote and strengthen positive labour management relations and to enhance the well being of the union members and their job security.


Labour and Education

Annual educational awards are granted to deserving children of members who excel in the various levels of academic qualifications. The labour and education committee also promotes trade union education of the office bearers, branch committee members, shop stewards and the general membership by sending them to courses and workshops conducted by SILS and NTUC.


Social and Welfare Services

The committee aims to promote greater involvement of workers in welfare programmes and to inculcate a greater sense of caring and sharing among workers for the less fortunate. SIASU has adopted the Spastic Children Association School. Activities of the committee include visiting members who are hospitalized and organizing blood donation campaigns.



The objectives of the committee are to encourage and nurture an appreciation for, and participation in, culture and arts among union members and their families.



The committee aims to expose our workers to sports, to encourage them to exercise and to maintain a healthy lifestyle while at the same time promotes camaraderie among union members.


Occupational Health and Safety

The committee seeks to promote and safeguard the health and safety of our members at their workplace. It monitors trends in occupational health and safety so as to highlight potential hazards and advise the workers and make recommendations to the relevant authorities whenever necessary.

Women's Committee

With more women in the workforce, the committee has a significant role to play in addressing the issues and concerns of these workers. The committee hopes to increase the participation of the women members through organizing seminars, talks, high teas, and courses.


Administration and Publicity

The main functions of the Administration and Publicity committee are:

  • To ensure the effective administration of the Union and its funds
  • Be responsible for the recruitment of members and ensuring their confidence and support at all times
  • Coordinate the activities of the various committees of the Union
  • To administer the benefits and welfare schemes of the Union
  • Maintain and be responsible for the inventory of all moveable properties of the Union
  • To promote our house magazine, the VOICE, and NTUC publications